I'd like to start this by saying that the game I talk about today holds a VERY special place in my heart. Growing up in Alaska, I have always loved learning about the Alaska Native tribes and their culture, through field trips in school, all the way to volunteering at the museum for a couple of years. What has always captured my attention are the stories; especially native legends (American and Alaskan). We can read these legends, we can listen to the recordings of great storytellers, but this is the first time that we can play and interact with the legends in video game format.
Never Alone (Kisima Innitchuna) is based upon the Inupiaq tribe traditional story Kunuuksaayuka, which is the story of a village that is consumed within a never ending blizzard in which a brave young girl, Nuna, embarks on a journey to discover the source. The game developers worked closely with the original storyteller's daughter Minnie Gray to ensure the accuracy of the legend.

The playstyle for Nuna and the fox are also interesting. You can expect standard platform controls for Nuna, while the fox operates in a differently, by summoning helpful spirits and climbing higher walls, giving the seasoned platformer a very unique game experience in two-player mode. It's asymmetric co-op at its best, similar but wholly apart from games like Child of Light.

Overall, I had a lot of fun playing Never Alone at PAX, and am very excited to play it in its entirety. I have never heard this story, so I am definitely curious (but my lips are sealed) as to how it ends! I also look forward to this bringing some knowledge to those living in the "lower 48" states, and the world. While the North seems mostly barren, the culture thrives!
Never Alone is expected to release November 18th, 2014. Perfect time of year for a cup of hot cocoa with your game. :)