Go Support Girls Make Games, Right Now

Thursday, July 2, 2015

While browsing the Humble Bundle site today, I came across the latest Weekly Bundle. Titled the Leading Ladies 2 Bundle, it features up to seven games with female protagonists. Among the collection is the unbelievably excellent Sunset, a story driven game that defies classification and Lumino City, a puzzley adventure game in a gorgeous hand-crafted world.

Proceeds of this bundle go to Girls Make Games, a series of summer camps and game jams for young girls that want to, well, make games. Current statistics list 47% of gamers as female, but women only make up 12% of people working in the industry. There are currently fewer women working in development positions now than in the eighties. That's a pretty sad fact.

Do what you can to support this bundle. If you're not interested in the games, consider gifting them to someone who is. $12 will get you all seven games. You can customize how your money is distributed between developers, Girls Make Games and a tip for Humble Bundle. The bundle is available through July 8th.

That's it. Get over to Humble Bundle or donate directly to Girls Make Games.