Armello is the product of League of Geeks, an indie game developer based in Melbourne, Australia. It's their first major release since they were founded in 2011 and the team is really excited by its success. Armello was crowd funded two years ago and has had a steady string of updates since. After a while in early access on Steam, the game was released earlier this month to rave reviews.
As I said above, Armello is best described as a digital board game. Players choose a hero from among seven animal clans, each with their own look and abilities. The game is played on a hex based board with three other heroes controlled either by AI or other players. The heroes compete to wrest control of the throne from the corrupted king through combat or by way of succession.

Each of the numerous elements in Armelllo is interesting and keeps every game lively and unpredictable. The AI is challenging and uses the game's systems well. The different hero's abilities give more personality to the creatures. The late game is awash with trickery and underhanded tactics that can make some moments feel like a Redwall fan fiction written by George R.R. Martin.
I'm usually not swayed too much by the graphical prowess of a game. Often I'm more interested in the games mechanics and underlying systems or the cohesion of the art design and style. With that said, Armello is breathtakingly beautiful. The card art is wonderfully drawn with rich color and elegant linework. Comparatively, the 3d models of the heroes look as though they leapt out from one of the cards. The animations -though less dynamic than some games- are smooth and add more personality to the heroes.
Armello may call itself a board game, but it has numerous ties to multiple genres. That none of those ties feels stretched, forced or anything other than perfectly normal is well deserving of praise. I've not come across a single person that didn't fall in love with Armello. Its appeal is nearly universal, its strengths are easy to see, and its faults are so few that I could list their entirety in a tweet. Pick this one up.